For the baby, this baby dining chair is of good quality, easy to assemble, affordable, durable, and has no other strange smell. It is equipped with a seat belt that can be used safely. The triangle structure is stable enough. It feels very strong after shaking from side to side. The baby can sit up and down. It can also be adjusted. It is light, easy to move, and does not take up too much space. Cleaning is also very simple, Dirty things falling on the table can be easily cleaned up. The table area is quite large, and many things can be put on it. You can put toys or iPads while eating. The color is very beautiful. The baby is very safe to sit in, and the baby also likes it very much. After all, the baby likes it is the most important thing, and it is very worth buying. In short, buy early and enjoy it. I am very satisfied that this is a very happy shopping experience